Mark Berte
3 min readJun 9, 2021


Here’s the thing. I’ve heard from countless Hypothyroid Mom readers who have no idea gluten sensitivity could be a factor in their hypothyroidism. What is particularly interesting about this list of gluten sensitivity symptoms is that each and every one of them is also a potential symptom of hypothyroidism. Hmmm…

I wonder just how many hypothyroid people have gluten sensitivity. I suspect there are many more than we even imagine.

Have you ever felt like doctors don’t take you seriously? You know that something is wrong with your health, but your practitioner is too quick to dismiss the concerns you experience. Through your own research you stumble upon this concept called gluten intolerance and realize that all of the signs of gluten sensitivity listed are identical to what you’re experiencing.

When I was in college, I too chased after elusive answers regarding my health while every doctor I saw felt my case wasn’t worth the time. A total of seven different doctors over the course of two years attributed my undiagnosed gluten intolerance (at the time) to other seemingly unrelated individual symptoms that got me nowhere.

All of my severe symptoms that were actually related to gluten were boiled down to “being a typical female college student” (what does that even mean?!), chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), chronic migraines, and one doctor even said I was just being paranoid.

Their solution was to throw medication at the various problems which included sleeping pills, separate anti-depressant and anti-anxiety medications, and muscle relaxants. Despite my persistent prodding for real answers and diagnostic testing, these common “fixes” were equivalent to placing the tiniest band-aid over a gaping wound — I was not being helped, healed, or listened to.

Can you relate to my experience? Sadly, I’ve found this rings true for many people out there who remained undiagnosed with gluten sensitivity for years and were given false answers that led nowhere. If you still don’t have all of your answers, know that you may exhibit one or several nagging and debilitating symptoms that many medical practitioners don’t attribute to a very possible root cause of gluten intolerance or sensitivity. What’s worse, you’re more likely to be left in the dark without answers if you aren’t experiencing gastrointestinal related symptoms like diarrhea.

12 Shocking Symptoms of Gluten Sensitivity

Gluten sensitivity and intolerance can manifest as much more than just IBS-like symptoms and stomach problems. That’s why doctors are more likely to dismiss the idea that you even have this because if they don’t hear about digestive problems as your chief complaint, then it must be something else.

It can be an exclusively neurological disease for many. In 2013, an in-depth study by a team of researchers including renowned Dr. Alessio Fasano stated that, “Both Celiac Disease and gluten sensitivity may present with a variety of neurologic and psychiatric co-morbidities, however, extraintestinal symptoms (outside of the digestive system) may be the prime presentation in those with gluten sensitivity. However, gluten sensitivity remains under-treated and under-recognized as a contributing factor to psychiatric and neurologic manifestations.”

It’s very important to note that not all cases of neurological symptoms are caused by gluten. However, issues like depression and anxiety which are not typically linked directly to gluten consumption CAN be signs of gluten sensitivity for some. Too often, pain killers and prescriptions are thrown at patients when no clear diagnosis is made, missing the real cause behind the symptoms bubbling up on the surface.

The bottom line is that gluten sensitivity can affect processes in the body beyond the digestive tract, wreaking havoc on your skin (our largest organ!), joints, bones, mouth, endocrine system and more. Your myriad of symptoms that don’t make sense to ….

more at : http://www.healthandloveblog.me/2021/06/07/12-shocking-symptoms-gluten-sensitivity/



Mark Berte

Im writing mostly about health and beauty but also about some other helpful tips and tricks: http://www.healthbeauty365.me/ , http://www.healthierbetterlife.me/