Mark Berte
2 min readMay 31, 2021

Stop smoking affirmations will give a boost to your attempts of stopping smoking. Of course there are other things to consider. But affirmations will definitely be a helping hand.

We all know the disadvantages of smoking. Advantages there are none.

Apart from cancer, heavy smoking is also responsible for heart attacks.

Another neglected part is the financial loss. So much money is spent on smoking, especially by heavy smokers, that many smokers smoke away at least one car during a lifetime.

Read here about the financial impact of quitting smoking.

One almost sure shot way of stopping smoking is by using hypnosis. If you want to know the bad effects of smoking, advantages of quitting smoking and how to quit smoking with hypnosis.

Smoking is defined as displacement activity for a smoker. This means that mentally a smoker has to find an alternate activity to replace smoking. Stop smoking affirmations will help you change your thinking about smoking. Your attitude towards smoking will change from “difficult to stop” to “possible to stop”.

Any bad habit cultivated over a period of time becomes difficult to kick because new neurological pathways are carved in the brain for these habits. As a result, the smoker goes into his comfort zone when he smokes because he is traveling along known neurological pathways

Quit smoking affirmations carve newer neurological pathways to counter the “smoking” pathways.

With daily repetitions of stop smoking affirmations, the smoker becomes more and more comfortable with the newer neurological pathways.

His comfort zone slowly changes and kicking the smoking habit gradually becomes easier and easier.

If you have been a smoker for quite some time then realize that it may take a while to be free of smoking.

Select one or more of the following stop smoking affirmations and repeat them a number of times daily. Repeat them at least a hundred times, if not more, daily. Slowly but surely your mind and body will be weaned away from smoking and you could be leading a new, unpolluted life …

continue : http://www.healthierbetterlife.me/2021/05/30/15-stop-smoking-affirmations-help-kick-habit/



Mark Berte

Im writing mostly about health and beauty but also about some other helpful tips and tricks: http://www.healthbeauty365.me/ , http://www.healthierbetterlife.me/