Mark Berte
2 min readJun 7, 2021


According to statistics, in 2015, Americans spent more than 11 billion dollars on teeth whitening as well as additional 1.4 billion dollars on at-home whitening products. When it comes to teeth whitening, there is a vast variety of products that we can choose from. Unfortunately, over-the-counter teeth whitening products contain harmful chemicals.

Yellowish Teeth

Yellow teeth can be caused by numerous reasons. For example, specific foods can stain the enamel, i.e. the outer layer of the teeth. Also, build up of plaque increases the risk of the teeth going yellow. Often, the teeth can become yellow if the hard enamel has eroded away and the dentin underneath is revealed. Dentin is a naturally yellow and bony tissue which is located underneath the enamel.

How to Whiten the Teeth without Being Exposed to Chemicals

Oil pulling

This traditional Indian folk remedy has been used to better oral hygiene and to remove toxins from the body. Oil pulling is swishing oil in the mouth cavity with the aim to get rid of bacteria which increases the risk of plaque and yellow teeth. Traditionally, Indians used sunflower or sesame oil; however, any other oil will work. For example, coconut oil which has a pleasant taste and it’s rich in different health benefits. It has lauric acid which can lower inflammation and destroy bacteria. According to a recent study, daily swishing with sesame oil lowered one of the primary types of bacteria in the mouth that cause plaque and gingivitis within a week.

Lack of Studies

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Mark Berte

Im writing mostly about health and beauty but also about some other helpful tips and tricks: ,